IPhones and iPads have become rather commonplace these days but these premium portables are still something of a status symbol. For people that can afford to buy or replace these devices as soon as they become damaged, protecting these devices is not an issue. However, folks that have saved up to get these rather expensive portables still need to take added steps to ensure that their iPads and iPhones don’t get damaged. Here are some of the most common ways to keep your Apple tablets and smartphones safe from physical and internal damage.
Body cases
Even though stainless steel is used to build the cases of iPhones and iPads, they are still very susceptible to getting their hardware shocked by falls and bumps. Stainless steel also scratches very easily which could make these devices look unseemly and much used if the body is not protected. However, keeping the body of these devices protected is as simple as using a body case. These body cases are readily available in the market in all kinds of colors and finishes that provide added grip and anti-slip functionality as well.
Apple claims that its display technology is very resistant to scratches and damage. Anyone who has used an iPhone or an iPad for more than a year, however, would tell you otherwise. Like most touch displays, Apple’s devices too are prone to picking up scratches and getting worn out especially when the user is addicted to texting from them. However, these displays are not easily replaceable and usually a user would need to replace the whole device which can be very expensive for people on a budget. Luckily screen guards can help prevent these scratches and finger bumps though they do reduce the touch functionality of the screen itself if they are too thick. It is thus best to buy a screen guard that mimics the oleo phobic fingerprint-resistant coating of the display itself or you can invest in a flip cover for the device that comes with a soft lined inner surface to keep scratches at bay.
Antivirus software
Apples iOS is one of the more solid operating systems when it comes to security and malware protection though we do know that third party apps can easily sneak viruses into your device. Since it is better to err on the side of caution when it comes to personal data and info stored in your phone, it is usually advised to have anti-virus software installed on your iPhone or iPad especially if you use these devices for online shopping.
How to care for your iPad or iPhone
Even though you may have the best body covers, screen guards and anti-virus software installed on your Apple device, it may still experience breakdowns if you don’t keep it updated, free from an over clogged memory or unnecessary files and safe from dirt and debris. Use a gentle bristled brush and mild cleaning products to keep your iPad or iPhone in top shape and you can also have the bodies of these devices cleaned out every few months if you live in a particularly dusty region.
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