If you have been outside the scope of gaming for a while, you will be surprised of these unbelievable advances in gaming technology. If you are a regular gamer, you have to recognize that a few years ago, none of ...

Battlefield 3 (BF3) single player is a disappointment. When compared to Bad company 2, BF3 comes off as the unwanted stepchild of the series. BF3’s single player mode, when compared with other modern shooter games, is mundane. You’ll get the ...

The Arakham City builds upon an intense, atmospheric foundation of  Batman: Arkham Asylum, leading the players inside the Arkham City which is the new maximum security home for all of Gotham City’s thugs, gangsters and insane criminal masterminds. All the ...

Electronic Arts in partnerships with the Canadian developer Black Box have again come up with a new NFS, the NFS Run. The first striking thing that anyone will notice in the game is the effect of Frostbite 2 which makes ...

One of the most famous Italian assassin Enio Auditore da Firenze is back-for the last time. Assassins Creed game developer Ubisoft has decided to let him retire in peace after his one last mission. This will also be game’s final ...